A Hazy Outlook over the North China Plain
Beijing, the cultural and political capital of China, is home to a massive population of almost 25 million people has long been known for...

Putting the cart before the horse: the danger of oil sands before the pipeline
The story of oil sands – one unconventional source of oil found in Canada – has a newly identified danger right in its backyard: the...

Betcha won’t drink it! The natural chemicals hiding in water, and how a new technique hopes to remov
The amount of natural organic matter, or NOM, in water has been increasing for the past 20 years and is expected to increase. Higher...

In other words...
Team, I have #scicomm on the brain. Not that surprising, as I’m still channeling that inspiration from the national ComSciCon workshop at...
My Teaching Philosophy
What is a teaching philosophy? A teaching philosophy statement is a typical requirement for faculty applications. It should reflect what...

Scott, Johansen give Atlanta-area teachers concrete ways to make science, engineering exciting for t
Teachers from metro Atlanta's Gwinnett County test a concrete wall for quality, measuring the time it takes a signal to travel through...

Does better sanitation mean healthier children? A first-of-its-kind test case in Mozambique will tel
Does providing some sort of improved latrine for children in developing countries actually improve their health? That means something...

A place to learn: Alumna helps build a new future for Peruvian children
Andrea Ardiles followed the path of many School of Civil and Environmental Engineering students after graduation: she walked out of the...

Familiar ground: How a high school internship prepared Kathrine Udell to jump right into research as
Kathrine Udell preps her computer-based experiment last year at Kennesaw Mountain High School. Udell worked with School of Civil and...