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Laura Stoy, Instructor

My Teaching Philosophy (pinned)

May 31, 2017

My ideas on what makes a strong educator are always a work in progress. But, here are some thoughts that I have.

Awarded Future Faculty Fellowship

May 15, 2017

The Georgia Tech School of Civil and Environmental Engineering awarded three graduate students its inaugural Future Faculty Fellowship Award. The award provides funding for additional opportunities for teaching skill development and exploring academic career options. 

TA Fellow for GT's Center for Teaching and Learning

May 15, 2016

The TA Fellows are responsible for developing an engaging TA Orientation for new TAs. We cover the boring but important legalese of GT policies and procedure (academic integrity, student privacy, etc.) and the more varied roles and responsibilities (grading, running labs, teaching lectures, etc.). We use active learning methods like jigsaw and gallery walks to demonstrate activities that TAs could incorporate in their own classrooms.


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